Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Interpretive Signs at Port Tobacco

The Interpretive Sign project, funded by Charles County and the Maryland Heritage Area Authority, moves apace. We should have several signs ready for design and fabrication shortly. Here is an example of what the introductory sign might look like (before a professional designer has had the opportunity to work some magic).

Mock up interpretive sign for Port Tobacco.

Sorry, it isn't readable at this point, but as soon as I've revised the content and a designer has worked on it, we will get it, and others like it, onto the Society for the Restoration of Port Tobacco's website. Visitors can comment on the sign's design and content. We will then arrange the signs as a virtual tour of the town site. Indeed, a number of signs probably will exist only on the web until funds have been secured to fabricate and install additional ones. At least three, initially, will be installed with available funds.


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